How To Maintain TPO RV Roof? [Complete Guide]

Most RVs feature a TPO roof because of its cost effectiveness and great functionality. However, this TPO rubber roof also needs a good maintenance routine to keep it in the best possible condition. You can learn to keep the roof in a good shape regularly instead of investing on expensive repairs.

To maintain a TPO roof, regularly inspect for damage and fix any wear or tears on the roof immediately. A proper cleaning routine is necessary along with a good drainage system on the roof. Cover the roof with a protective coating for extra measures. 

We will now advance to studying in detail about exactly how to maintain the TPO RV roof for your convenience. In this complete guide, you will also get to learn the proper cleaning procedure of the TPO roof as well.


How To Maintain TPO RV Roof?

Regular maintenance of the TPO roof of your beloved RV can ensure a healthy and long sustainable life of the roof. Inspection, cleanliness, awareness and proactiveness can work wonders on maintaining your roof health. 

Check out the extensive guide below we have put together about the maintenance of your TPO roof.

1. Establishing a Regular Inspection Program

The first and foremost step for this maintenance activity is to be updated about the condition of the roof constantly. Regularly check out the surface of the roof so that nothing can affect the roof for an extensive period of time. 

If you find any signs of damage, repair it right away to minimize the possibility of it getting worse.

Inspect and ensure the seams are tightly joined. Make sure there is not a big mess of fallen leaves, dirt and debris accumulating on the roof surface. Trim off any long tree branches around the roof.

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2. Cleaning The TPO Roof Regularly

Keeping the roof surface clean can extend the lifespan of the roof by a long shot. It will prevent any kind of infestations or dirt build up on the surface. 

If you are a regular user, it is best to clean the roof every three to four months for essential maintenance. Below is a step by step detailed guide on how to clean the TPO roof of your RV:

  • First off, park the RV close enough to a water hose for easy washing access.
  • Start by washing off all the dust, dirt and debris using a pressure power washer 2,000 PSI or under.
  • Get a bucket full of a gallon of cold water.
  • Mix 6 to 10 ounces of a mild non abrasive detergent or cleaning solution with the water to create a TPO safe cleaning solution.
  • Choose a push broom with soft bristles and start sweeping from one side of the roof.
  • Make sure to sweep all the dirt in one direction towards the drain for easy clean up.
  • Once sweeping the entire roof, use the pressure washer and wash off the accumulated dirt from the roof.
  • Repeat this same cleaning process as many times as necessary until all the dirt is completely cleared away.
  • Rinse away all the cleaner from the roof using the water hose.

3. Installing A Good Drainage System

Since the RV roof is completely flat, it needs a proper drainage system to function. Otherwise, rainwater or snow will gather around on the roof without any actual drainway to go into. As a result, the roof will get pools of water which will damage it.

Install a proper drainage system with gutters and downspouts that lead outside. Check it periodically to make sure that no debris or dirt is blocking the drainway.

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4. Apply A Protective Coating On Top Of The Roof

To improve the lifespan and durability of your TPO roof, it is recommended to apply a layer of protective material on top. Not all kinds of coatings are suitable for a TPO roof because of the chemicals mixed inside that might react negatively. 

If the TPO roof has already suffered previous damage, applying several layers of coating is the best course of action to save it. 

Acrylic coatings and asphalt emulsion coatings are good choices as a protective layer on your TPO roof. 

These materials can withstand hail, snow, rain, high temperature and protect the roof from all these rough environments. You can also choose fluid coatings in order to avoid the problem of pooling water. 

5. Repairing Any Damage To The Roof

On a regular inspection, you might find holes, tears or damages to the surface of the roof. Instantly repair any of these damages you find using a suitable sealant. 

A water based cement of high quality might be a good choice as a sealant to patch these damages up. It is an effective sealant which is long lasting and waterproof.

In case the damage is too much and irreversible, you can implement the Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof (FARR) system to your TPO roof. It is a high quality and sustainable system that restores the health of the roof.

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Reasons Behind TPO RV Roof Regular Maintenance

No matter how durable and flexible the TPO roof material is, it can still wear down over time. 

The main reason for regular maintenance is that RV roofs have to endure a lot of harsh situations. Some of these situations that the RV roof is subjected to are:

  • Harsh weather conditions such as heavy snowfall, rain or storm. 
  • Extreme heat accumulation from direct sunlight
  • Pooled water due to poor drainage system 
  • Huge accumulation of dirt, debris, fallen leaves 
  • Infestation of mold, algae or insects
  • Poorly joined seams
  • Cracks or holes on the roof surface

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In this section, we will cover a few more important topics regarding the TPO RV roof. In case you had any doubts about the TPO maintenance in your mind, this section will help clarify them.

How Long Does A TPO RV Roof Last?

A TPO RV roof can last for 10 to 20 years with proper care and maintenance. However, it will run into several issues within ten years. So, continuous repairs and restoration can boost up the lifespan of the roof by ten more years afterwards.

What Cleaning Materials Should I Use To Clean TPO RV Roof?

You will need a water hose, bleach, a non abrasive push broom, bucket and a lint-free rug to clean the TPO roof. For the cleaning solution, you can use any kind of all purpose cleaning solution with water or a strong detergent.

What is the best coating for a TPO RV roof?

Acrylic coatings are considered to be the best for a TPO RV roof. Acrylic has high durability and strength to protect the roof. Apart from that, silicon and asphalt emulsion coatings are also really good for a TPO RV roof.

What Should You Not Put On TPO RV Roofs?

Any cleaning products that have harsh chemicals in them should not be used on TPO roofs. Products containing petroleum distillates should be strictly avoided. Additionally, any citrus based solvents are also not recommended on TPO roof.

Does TPO RV Roof Need Treatment?

No, TPO RV roofs don’t need treatment as they already contain a UV resistant chemical inside the TPO material. Therefore, it doesn’t require any additional treatment like the other roofs. Only proper cleaning and repairing will suffice to keep the TPO RV roof healthy.


For someone who loves to travel and explore on their RV, keeping the roof of it is a very necessary part of your routine. TPO roofs are a great option for your RV due to its multivariable functionality. 

With just some proper knowledge about caring for this type of roof, you can keep the roof for almost two decades. Always make sure to thoroughly clean the roof every 6 to 12 months. 

Repair any holes or damages as soon as you notice with the proper method. In case of any serious trouble, don’t hesitate to seek the help from a professional roof contractor or consultant.

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